Top 20 Fragen für Paare - NONOSH

Top 20 questions for couples

With our 20 questions you will get to know your partner even better, take some time and enjoy our questions, which could give you an insight into your love life. ✨

Ask questions with couples, strengthen the bond 🤍

With our 20 selected questions you can get to know your partner even better.

  1. Is there something about you that I don't know yet?

  2. Do you remember our first picture together?

  3. What do you think of when you think of me?

  4. Have I ever made you sad and if so, why?

  5. Do you think we spend too much or too little time?

  6. How would you describe my scent?

  7. What's your favorite outfit on me?

  8. Who is our couple friend?

  9. What was the first gift you gave me?

  10. When would you end a relationship?

  11. What does responsibility mean to you?

  12. Is there a specific place you would take me to again?

  13. Where did we kiss for the first time? 😘

  14. List the 5 most important people in your life for me

  15. Are you happy with your work?

  16. What are you afraid of the most?

  17. do you have enemies

  18. What do I make you happiest with?

  19. When did you know we were going to be a couple?

  20. Which movie is your favorite movie?

And did you like it?

Would you say that you got to know your partner a little better now? Communication is the most important thing in a relationship and makes a huge difference.

We hope you enjoyed it 🤍

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Stone of Love ❤️

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Meaning of rose quartz

Rose quartz is referred to as the stone of love and is revered by the heart. The Greeks and Romans believed that rose quartz was brought by the gods Eros and Amor. It is said that the stone can increase sensitivity, empathy, the ability to love, heart strength and romance.